• Music Room, Deptford Lounge, 9 Giffin Street, London, SE8 4RJ


Thank you for visiting the website of Christ-In-You Glory Church. where God is raising, developing and planting a people of righteousness across the nations of the world. We believe you are one of those precious men and women, boys and girls whom the LORD is calling, justifying and perfecting in this season. And we pray for His glory to be revealed upon you as He bestows on you all that pertain to life and godliness. Welcome aboard a royal journey with the God of heaven and earth.

Our Mission

At Christ-In-You Glory Church, our motto is ‘developing a people of righteousness; a planting of God’. This succinctly encapstulates what we stand for as a ministry with Jesus Christ as the Head of the Church.

Our Focus

Our focus is christlikeness. This is our walk and our work. At Christ-in-You Glory Church, we see ourselves as custodian of the faith; we uphold the values and commit to influencing the culture of christlikeness through living, preaching and promoting Christ and His righteousness.

Our Beliefs

Our character and values are guided by balanced scriptural beliefs, the specifics of which are contained in our statements of faith. These are principles that guide us towards a lifestyle of faith in Christ and values of righteousness and godly character.

Welcome Aboard

In Christ-In-You Glory Church,

you'll find the following

  • God's presence abiding, transforming and glorifying

  • An uncompromising ministry of the Word of God that sanctifies and refreshes

  • A mighty flow and move of the Holy Spirit

  • A family of worshippers who worship God in Spirit and in truth

  • A warm hand of fellowship that is quick to accept, love, support and

    encourage one another towards perfection in Jesus Christ.


You are welcome to visit or join us in one of our meetings for better introductions. There is always a first time for everyone but you can be sure that you would not be disappointed when you come. It would be a pleasure and an honour to offer you a warm right hand of fellowship


Jesus Christ Said:: I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for ME


Important Programme Information

A Holy Sunday Celebration

Everything about us in Christ-In-You Glory Church is Christ-centred. That’s what you would find in any of our meetings, and Sunday is especially glorious. it’s a gathering of worshippers who together and in one accord worship God and wait on Him for instructions in righteousness, and in all that pertain to life and godliness. You would not be disappointed and you would not feel alone, unwanted or unaccepted. You are the very person God is waiting for and your coming is unto Him who is able to meet all your needs and answer all your questions. So why not give our special invitation a try? Join us every Sunday on a fulfilling time of worship from 10:30 – 13.00.

Covenant Sunday

Fancy going through each month with a clear promise from God? Then don’t miss the First Sunday service of the month where we receive our theme for the month – a word from the LORD to hold on to. For Covenant Sunday, God gave us a Scripture that makes the day special: Then the Lord said to Moses, “Write these words, for according to the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel (Exodus 34:27).” So you see, that’s what makes Covenant Sunday extra special.

Communion Service

Covenant Sunday doesn’t just end with the ‘word for the month’; it would have been incomplete. Yes, Covenant Sunday without Communion? As you know, Communion is always a time to remember the finished and complete work of Christ on the cross, and He did instruct that we observe the breaking of bread and drinking of wine in remembrance of Him. So it’s a time to remember and reflect on His blood that was shed on the cross of Calvary and His body that was broken – all because of you and I. It’s about the new covenant that we enjoy through Jesus Christ, the one that frees us from the life of sin and death and makes us whole. Again, that’s why every first Sunday of the month is extra special

Prayer Points Meeting

We’ll love to see you at the last Friday of each month for Prayer Points meetings from 19:15 – 20:50. It’s prayer time and yes, we will pray. This is our opportunity to approach God in prayer and supplication on specific prayer points. It can be your opportunity too. Do you have specific prayer points? Come and we’ll present them to the LORD together and He will answer. Come let us pray.

Venue Location

We are located in the South East of London, at Deptford. If you are driving, you need not be worried about where to park as there is free parking around Deptford Lounge and there is also a car park where parking is free on Sundays and on weekdays from 19.00. And if you are travelling by train, Deptford Bridge DLR and New Cross stations are within walking distance to the Church. There is also a bus stop close to where the Church is located, which is called Wavelengths on Bus 47 route. Our Church address is:

Christ-In-You Glory Church

Music Room, First Floor

Deptford Lounge (Above Deptford Library)

9 Giffin Street




Are you 100% sure of your salvation? Do you know that you can be sure that you are save from sin and death and that your name is written in the book of life? Not by your self-righteousness or your good works. The Bible says that ‘all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23)’, and ‘the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23)’. The only way you can be sure is through repentance in Christ Jesus. Jesus says ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me (John 14:6)’. Do not wait any moment longer. Delay may be fatal. Call upon the LORD right now and He will reach out and redeem you from the law of sin and death: ‘the word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart … that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation (Romans10:8-10).

Recent Sermons

Check Out Hopeline from Christ-In-You Glory Church for our Messages. Also check the video on Occupy Till I Come for the timely message on what you can do with a Pound.

Title: Its Good News For You

Speaker: Pastor Anthony Adesile

Date: June 05 2017

Man often times seeks for solutions to problems that appear to be more serious on the surface but God knows that temporary problems do not last. He is more interested in rooting out the source, bringing about lasting interventions. This is what this message is about. There is good news ahead for you. God bless you as you watch.

Service Times

Sunday Service 10:30 AM

*Covenant Sunday & Communion
(First Sunday of Each Month)

Music Room, Deptford Lounge,

9 Giffin Street, London, SE8 4RJ


Prayer Points Meeting

Last Friday (Monthly)7:15 PM

Prayer & Counselling

Call: 07415100951

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    Upcoming Events


    Theme: God’s Great Plan & Purpose

    Date & Time:

    Sunday 07 January 10.30am


    Thanksgiving & Praise

    Word For The Year and Month

    Holy Communion

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