• Music Room, Deptford Lounge, 9 Giffin Street, London, SE8 4RJ

Pastor Anthony 'Yinka And Comfort 'Funke Adesile

Pastor’s Blog

Greetings in Jesus’ name. My wife and I are glad to have you visit our blog, where from time to time we would share as well as interact with you on different issues of life and the Kingdom of God. As you already know, we are committed as ministers to do the work of our Father and God who has called us to this noble work of servanthood. We are here to serve you as much as the LORD gives grace. The vision of the ministry is ‘Developing a people of righteousness; a planting of the LORD’. We hope that our interactions through this platform would help us reach you with these values and much more. Our invitation to you is to trust God with us as faithful ministers to deliver unto you content that will be a blessing and nourishment to your spirit, soul and body.

  • Friday, July 7th, 2017

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  • Posted by GloryChurch


Christianity today is hugely popular and indeed we are everywhere, in every nation, tribe and tongue. The gospel of Jesus Christ is beginning to reach the ends of the earth. Such good news calls for rejoicing. After all, we have maximised every opportunity to proclaim Christ and we are seeing the fruits of our work in this area. Yes, the heavens rejoice for every sinner that comes into righteousness in Christ, but this is not what this is about. This is about how we live our lives as Christians in the midst of attractions that place demand on our faith and seek to compromise our Christian values and testimonies.

The burden of the heart is that in the midst of our successes in soul winning, we seem to be scoring very low on retention and God is not happy. The reason is obvious in the following statement:

“…Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God…. (1 John 3:10)”

This is a statement that is pertinent to the Christian walk. It suggests in clear terms that it is not just enough to profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. To whom much is given, much is equally expected and required. Living a righteous life is an obligation and we must do all we can, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to practice righteousness.

Our pursuit of righteousness must have priority over any other concerns and nothing else should take first place. It’s all about what we do and how it affects our testimony. Does our talk match our walk? Do we sometimes return to our old ways because of the pleasures we derive from such practice? Do we still fear and reverence God in our heart or have we become too familiar with Him to lose sight of who He really is? Does God still approve of our actions and way of life? Are we still God’s? I believe God requires that we examine ourselves.

Righteousness should be a daily experience and the Christian man or woman should be careful to walk in it. No believer is excluded from the practice. The new believer must do all he can to live the new life faithfully; the older believer must not forget where she was coming from – how the grace of God had brought her a changed, forgiven life:

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works lest anyone should boast. (Eph 2:8-9)”

Having then been saved, we must follow the timeless instruction as laid down in Apostle Paul’s letter to the people at Philippi:

“…Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling (Phil 2:12)”

And yet another timeless advice on the practice of righteousness:

“… Do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God (Rom 6:13)”

  • Tuesday, July 18th, 2017

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  • Posted by GloryChurch

Pastor Anthony Adesile

Service Times

Sunday Service 10:30 AM

*Covenant Sunday & Communion
(First Sunday of Each Month)

Music Room, Deptford Lounge,

9 Giffin Street, London, SE8 4RJ


Prayer Points Meeting

Last Friday (Monthly)7:15 PM

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Call: 07415100951

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